The reason i'm interested about this career field is because my life has revolved around videos games ever since I can barley remember. Ever since I was little it's what captivated me the most. The idea of being in control of another being and making an actual impact to it's world; this idea impacted me a lot as a child and made me feel important. I was the middle child and playing video games was an escape from being "Malcolm in the middle". Ever since then, video games have always been apart of my life and i'd love for it to be apart of my life.
I see myself using my imagination to help create works of art, in this case video games. I'd work good hours and I wouldn't have to work really hard.
- What are the special skills, talents, traits qualifications needed for the occupation you're interested in? You have to be able to communicate and work well with others.
- In what ways are you suited for this career? I'm a gamer, i'm suited for this career.
- Where could you gain experience NOW for this career? I'd started out at an internship. What steps (think creatively) could you take to gain experience - before you graduate?
- From your searching, the number of jobs available in California and what the Department of Labor & Statistics states about the "job outlook" for your career field - what did you discover?